Thursday, October 16, 2014


Like the psalmist I cry to You O Lord in the midst of my despair
“How long will You hide Your face from me,” my Lord and my Deliverer?
In the midst of my confusion, anxiety, and anguish my heart search for You
But my Refuge and my Strength seems so far off, “Lord, where are You?”
I’m running out of strength in this seemingly endless valley
I’m trying to hold on but my soul is already tired and weary;
The turmoil within me seems so intense; I’m losing hope and focus
My heart cries out, “Come now to my rescue my Rock and my Refuge.”
In my distress You reminded me of the Israelites’ defiance at Marah
Like them I have been drinking bitter water these past few days;
So bitter that my body can take them no more, my soul thirsts for You
The Israelites then complained and grumbled; now I am tempted to do so.
Lord, when shall all these trials and difficulties end and disappear?
You knew my heart is now losing hope, I cannot bear this anymore
Come now Lord and rescue me, deliver me from these trials so many
You promised You’ll give me rest when I’m weary, so please do as You say.
I knew from the very start that life in here will be full of trials, and worries too
That You will allow them to come my way to test my character and my trust in You
But now O Lord that they are coming one after the other, I am extremely overwhelmed
Only by Your grace and mercy I will be able to say, “Thy will be done, Adonai.”
As I wait for You Lord You reminded me of the springs and the palm trees of Elim
Where You brought the Israelites, where there was abundant water and shade for them
I am still wandering in the wilderness now and the springs are still out of sight
But I hope Lord that the timely refreshing will be mine in Your own perfect time.
Whenever that is, please hold me tight and never let go of me my Lord
For if on my own strength I will put my confidence and my trust to survive
Tomorrow may probably be too far before I give up and lay everything aside
So please remind me that I should not fret because You are by my side, always.

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