Tuesday, October 21, 2014

WHAT IF? (102414)

When I heard that someone from a far away land is coming to our place,
I got thrilled, excited, and couldn't wait but see and meet him face to face;
I wondered how our place would be like to have someone like him around,
Wondered how he'll go about or how he'll thrive in our quite complicated land.

Then that day came when we were formally introduced to one another,
Your smile was so genuine and sweet, in my head it lingered;
You seemed to be so friendly not just with me but with everybody else,
Oh! I couldn't help but admire you for being so nice and friendly without pretense.

I wasn't sure if it was right to trust someone I just newly met but I did,
In just a short span of time we got along quite so well, I believed;
I enjoyed every conversation with you, and thought you felt the same way too,
You always made my day complete whenever you pass by and say "hello."

Days and weeks passed by and we got to know each other better,
You shared to me your story and trusted me to keep your secrets 'till I'm six feet under;
You showed gestures of kindness and concern that I thought were sweet and genuine,
Until one day I realized I was starting to like you but decided to just keep it within.

But one day you suddenly changed and became silent, 
I couldn't understand why;
Tried to figure out if I've done something silly or said something untimely;
But I couldn't find any good reason to your sudden change of affection,
So I wondered, "Did I just assume that you liked me too though my heart felt otherwise?

Now you're gone but I can't help but still ponder and wonder,
Wonder at the possibility of you and me, now and forever;
But I guess all I have now are "what ifs?" and some "might-have-beens,"
Would you have chosen to stay if I told you or you'll still go leaving me broken?

What if? What if? What if? What if I've said this? What if I've done that?
What would have been your response had I told you how I really like you?
But even if I said it or done that and took the risk of exposing my secret,
I guess there's no guarantee that you will stay and be mine for always.

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